TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA, Ewa2012-06-082012-06-081995Glottodidactica vol. 23, 1995, pp. 93-100. metatextual (metalingual) means the author understands verbal means concerning a communication act, i.e. those which explain such an act, evaluate it, organize it formally and make it possible to realize it. As a method of distinguishing those means one may apply the test of reduction. On the basis of the analysis of the text the author distinguishes 6 sequences of metatexual means, among others the formulas initiating and organizing a dialogue, the means serving the cooperation of the interlocutors and others. The comparative analysis has shown that the metatextual means occur 2,5 times more often in authentic spoken texts (“small talk”) than in glottodidactical materials.deMetatextuelle Mittel in gewählten Textarten der deutschen dialogischen SpracheArtykuł