Zalewski, Leszek2016-12-192016-12-191991Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 53, 1991, z. 4, s. 99-1100035-9629 Author discusses selected aspects of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of 1980. It came into force on 1 Jan. 1988, and has already been ratified by 30 states. Poland is not party to that Convention, yet taking into account the provisions of the Polish private international law it is highly probable that the provisions of the Convention will be "the proper law" for many sale contracts concluded by Polish companies with foreign partners. The Convention is considered by many international commercial law experts to be a carefully drafted and relatively modern legal act. However, the Author focuses his attention on some selected compromise solutions which may constitute a real danger for consistency of interpretation, and thus may be subject to criticism. In particular, the Author points to a scope of application of the Convention, to an excessively wide notion of the principle of the autonomy of the will, and to the reduction of the position of the bona fide principle to the role of the rule of interpretation. In the Author's opinion a weak point of the Convention is its silence on controversies debated in contemporary legal literature, such as the conclusion of contract by negotiations or the role of commercial letters of confirmation. However, despite his criticism, the Author concludes that Poland should ratify the Convention without delay.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKonwencja o umowach międzynarodowych sprzedaży towarów - uwagi krytyczneNew law on contract for the international sale of goods - critical remarksArtykuł