Kołacz, Jacek2013-03-082013-03-082008Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 70, 2008, z. 2, s. 79-930035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/5033The main issue discussed in the paper are the so-called “partial freedoms” , treated as components of the constitutional freedom to carry out economic activities. The focus of the analysis is on the following aspects: freedom of establishment; freedom of choice regarding to the kind o f business; freedom of choice of the legal form of the enterprise; freedom of choice of the mode o f performing activities; freedom of determination of temporal and spatial frames of business; freedom of financing; freedom of competition; freedom of contracting. The paper is an attempt of clarification and delimitation o f the inner boundaries of the freedom o f economic activities - the question that could be a useful device in the assessment o f legal limitations of that freedom arising from the national legal system.plSWOBODY CZĄSTKOWE A SWOBODA DZIAŁALNOŚCI GOSPODARCZEJPARTIAL FREEDOMS VS FREEDOM OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITYArtykuł