Bielicki, TadeuszWaliszko, AnnaGórny, StanisławKubica, Józef2013-07-232013-07-231988Przegląd Antropologiczny, vol. 54, z. 1-2, 1988, pp. 27-32.0033-2003 gains were of similar magnitude, ca. 2.0 cm., in each of the five categories of urbanization defined by population size of the locality of habitation. As a result, the regular urbanization-dependent gradient in stature, first detected in the 1976'cohort, reappears in little changed form 10 years later. No significant secular changes and no regular gradients can be seen in weight-for-height.plWysokość i względny ciężar ciała poborowych polskich w dziesięcioleciu 1976—1986: zmiany sekularne i gradient urbanizacyjnySTATURE AND RELATIVE BODY WEIGHT OF; POLISH CONSCRIPTS IN 1976 AND 1986: SECULAR CHANGES AND URBANIZATION - DEPENDENDENT GRADIENTArtykuł