Pacud, Radosław2013-03-122013-03-122003Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 65, 2003, z. 1, s. 55-700035-9629 article deals with the newly introduced legal regulations in pension system binding for persons born between 1 Jan 1949 and 31 Dec 1968. Having analysed pension deposits, the author moves on to discuss the execution of the right for pension deposit management as a new type of acts under the material law in the pension law, and then discusses open investment funds and the modifications concerning them. Toward the end of the article the author touches upon the replacement of pension deposit rights by the rights for a lifelong pension or rights for a pension, in addition to the issue of mortis causa deposit management and the right for intra matrimonium deposit.plCZYNNOŚCI PRAWNE ROZPORZĄDZAJĄCE PRAWEM DO WKŁADU EMERYTALNEGOLEGAL ACTS OF EXERCISING THE RIGHT FOR PENSION DEPOSIT MANAGEMENTArtykuł