Żyromski, Marek2013-02-102013-02-102002Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2002, tom 14, s. 39-56.0867-2059http://hdl.handle.net/10593/4482The aim of this article is to analyse the development of Polish family house. Undoubtedly, this development reflected changes in both structure and functions of the Polish family itself. These relations had been presented in three period of history of the family in Poland: 1) the Medieval family; 2) the family in modern times; 3) the family in time of partitions of Poland and in the interwar period. The most o f information concernig the Polish family’s house describes the houses and palacies of Polish aristocracy and gentry or the rich towns population (the so-called patriciate). Both in the Middle Ages and in the modern times the development of Polish family houses was virtually the sane (or very similar at least) as in the Western Europy. So, the situation began to change in the time of partitions of Poland.plPolski dom a rodzina polska. Analiza siedlisk rodzinnych w układzie historycznymThe Polish family house. The analysis of family’s settlements from the historical perspectiveArtykuł