Groth, Jarosław2013-03-182013-03-182007Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 69, 2007, z. 3, s. 191-205.0035-9629 paper is devoted to the subject of moral reasoning o f juvenile delinquents. The data collected from a sample of male adolescents indicate that there is a difference in morality between juvenile delinquents and their non-delinquent peers. They also reveal a diversity in the group of delinquents. The paper presents three clusters of persons that differ in the way of their moral reasoning. It also contains a brief overview of the cognitive-developmental theory of moral reasoning and J. Reste’s model of the stages of development o f morality that constitute the theoretical background of the presented research.plROZUMOWANIE MORALNE NIELETNICH PRZESTĘPCÓWMORAL REASONING OF JUVENILE DELINQUENTSArtykuł