Szymczak, Emilia2015-07-022015-07-022014Studia Edukacyjne, 2014, nr 32, s. 79-98978-83-232-2837-01233-6688 article concerns linguistic competence with special emphasis on skills in the foreign language as a kind of „must-have” of present times and as the result of globalization. This topic draws attention to the selected issues of inequality in the individual linguistic competence, aptitudes and limitationsin particular socio-economic, which may cause the marginalization and social exclusion.plinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesslanguageEnglishcultural capitalcompetencessocial inequalitiesmarginalizationexclusion(Nie)znajomość języków obcych a problem nierówności społecznychThe (Lack of) Knowledge of Foreign Languages as One of the Dimensions of Social Inequality and Exclusion of InformationArtykuł