Stachowiak, Paweł2013-08-062013-08-062009Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 2009, nr 3, s.1731-7517 author observes that the objectives of the Church’s remembrance policy also have a more earthly dimension. This concerns the defense of the Church’s position in public life and preventing attempts to marginalize the Church. By means of conducting its own remembrance policy the Church intends to augment the monumental aspect of collective Polish memory seeing it as an opportunity to maintain the most extensive range of influence.plpolska pamięć zbiorowaKościółkościelna polityka pamięciKościół wobec pamięci zbiorowej polskiego społeczeństwa. O niektórych strategiach i celach "kościelnej polityki pamięci"The Church's Attitude to the Collective Memory of Polish Society. On Some Strategies and Objectives of the "Church's Remembrance Policy"Artykuł