Modrzewski, Jerzy2016-12-292016-12-291984Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 46, 1984, z. 3, s. 299-3200035-9629 article attempts at presentation of the selected sociopedagogdead aspects of a formation process of genetic, structural and functional relations of university with a city and its location region. History and the present state of universities in Poland serve as an illustrating material for theses formulated by the author, although these are handled in a broad context of the 800 year old history of European universities and of the modern situation of universities in the world. The study was based on premises of the social developement theory and the functional theory. That somehow twofold perspective of the presented relations of universities to cities and their location regions is clearly visualized in substance of the respective parts of article. The first part of the article consists in presentation of genetic, dialectical in their nature, nuclei and interdependencies affecting the very act of creation and further developement of universities and closely related to socio-cultural, economical and spatial features of city and its location site. Against that bacground a system of extralocal factors is presented, which yield a substantial influence on forming a type of university, characteristic for a defined level of developement of state, region and city. The second and third part of the article is devoted to presentation of structural and functional intrrelations of university with a city and its region which are dynamizing or stabilizing a developement of those three socio-spatial systems. A process of university's passing through various stages of its functioning is observed in those systems on account of specificity of developing university features and a character of links with a city and its region. The following stages are being mentioned: adaptational and integrational, stabilization and-or reproduction, developement and-or expansion and a stage of model's transformation and re-adaptation to the changed conditions of environment. Their duration, the act of appearance and dynamics of changes result from the effect of both internal features-factors of the university and of the external ones originating in a city and its region. In the conclusive remarks, university as a poly functional system is presented. It performs its internal functions due to the character of its city, regionali links. In the author's opinion the theoretical concept of description and explication of relations presented in the article is not finite methodologically. It requires further examination, empirical verification and developement of such analysis which would entirely visualise a character of relations of university, city and region and their significance for functions performed by university.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessUniwersytet w układzie miejskim i regionalnymUniversity in urban and regional systemArtykuł