Kobierska, Martyna2014-04-222014-04-222013Refleksje. Pismo naukowe studentów i doktorantów WNPiD UAM, nr 7, wiosna-lato 2013, s. 57-722083-9782http://hdl.handle.net/10593/10514Martyna Kobierska [martyna.kobierska@gmail.com] – studentka I roku studiów II stopnia na kierunku Stosunki Międzynarodowe na WNPiD UAM. Absolwentka politologii na tym samym wydziale oraz Filologii Chorwackiej i Serbskiej na Wydziale Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej UAM.The article discusses the presence of the so-called Kosovo Myth that can be traced in Serbian nationalist thought. The theory of myths which has been analysed in the course of the article has ultimately proven that the Battle of Kosovo Field shall be given a quality of a Myth. Moreover, thanks to a reference to the history of Serbian nationalism, a gross importance in building a sense of nationhood has been confirmed with regard to the aforementioned Myth. An in-depth analysis of the selected examples of the use of myths in culture has shown significant emotional attachment of Serbian people to myths. What is more, it has been confirmed that myths are exploited also on the political scene which contributes to a strong relationship between a mythological memory of the Battle and a shape of Serbian nationalist stances.Mit kosowski we współczesnej serbskiej myśli nacjonalistycznejKosovan Myth in Serbian Nationalist ThoughtArtykuł