Makowski, Krzysztof A.Michalski, MaciejSchramm, Tomasz2025-02-112025-02-112021 meticulously researched and fluently written collection of essays sheds light on an especially revealing moment of great hope and optimism in international scholarly collaboration. The 1933 meeting of CISH in Warsaw provides a fascinating microcosm of both the potential and limitations of such cooperation on the cusp of a new and unprecedented era of European nationalism. Scholars and readers interested in the triumphs and failures of modern internationalism, particularly within the historical discipline, will benefit greatly from the book's vibrant descriptions and keen analyses.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalWarszawaMiędzynarodowy Kongres Nauk Historycznych1933CISHICHSWith a Zest and in a Refined Form… The 7th International Congress of Historical Sciences in Warsaw, 1933