Jarentowski, Marek G.2013-03-072013-03-072008Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 70, 2008, z. 4, s. 11-270035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/4980The paper presents different models of a mixed electoral system and offers examples of their application. The main focus is put on the correction (German) model of the electoral system, which is interesting insomuch that after certain modifications proposed in the paper it could be applied in parliamentary elections in Poland. What is more, as the author sees it, the application of that system would not require any amendments to the Constitution that stipulates that parliamentary elections must be proportionate. Legal arguments supporting the possibility of implementing a correction system in Poland have also been presented and a parliamentary proposal of a mixed electoral system has been discussed.plMIESZANE SYSTEMY WYBORCZE I ICH ZGODNOŚĆ Z ART. 96 UST. 2 KONSTYTUCJI RPMIXED ELECTORAL SYSTEMS AND THEIR COMPLIANCE WITH ARTICLE 96 CLAUSE 2 OF POLAND’S CONSTITUTIONArtykuł