Szarota, Beata2012-08-172012-08-172008Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2008, vol. 35, pp. 275-293978-83-232174-7-30137-2475 article presents the classification of symbolic and conventional gestures used in communication otherwise known as quasi-linguistic gestures. The author classified them into two types i.e. direct gestures and indirect gestures otherwise known as linguistic calques. In the present article the first type is presented in detail with a division into the following subtypes deictic, iconic, symbolic and ideographic-metaphoric. Some examples from Polish and Italian are also provided.itQuasi-linguistic gesturesItalian languagePolish languageQualche riflessione sulla relazione fra il significato e il significante: natura e classificazione dei gesti quasi-linguistici direttiSome Remarks on the Relation between Form and Meaning - the Nature and Taxonomy of Direct Quasi-Linguistic GesturesArtykuł