Kacprzak, Alicja2013-04-252013-04-252001Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2001, vol. 27, pp. 83-9183-232-1270-80137-2475http://hdl.handle.net/10593/6016Along with antonymy and synonymy, hyperonymy is one o f the basic semantic relations in lexis. In specialistic terminologies the status of hyperonymy seems to be exceptional since this type o f vocabulary reflects the hierarchic character so typical for many fields o f science. This article presents the phenomenon o f hyperonymy in the language o f medicine in which it does not only perform the task o f ordering terminology, but is also an important factor which is a condition o f creation o f new terms.frStructures hiérarchiques en terminologie - l 'hyperonymieHierarchic structures in terminology - hyperonymyArtykuł