Kremer, Elżbieta2016-11-102016-11-102015Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, 2015 Nr 2 (17), s.25-43.978-83-232-3054-01897-7626 new Act of 5 August 2015 on the Shaping of the Agricultural Regime, while leaving intact the existing instruments available so far, has introduced some new solutions regarding, among other things, the permissibility of dividing agricultural holdings. Three basic issues have been thus analysed: (i) determination of the scope of the subject of the regulation applicable to the division of agricultural holdings, (ii) the assessment of the adopted catalogue of premises permitting division of an agricultural holding, and (iii) a pos-sibility of determining, using the existing regulations, whether an intended transfer of an agricultural holding will be compatible with the principles governing the permissibility of a division of a holding. In the concluding remarks it is noted that the new regulation is not free from defects and will result, inter alia, in far reaching restrictions of the trading in agricultural land.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNowe rozwiązania dotyczące podziału gospodarstw rolnychNew solutions of the division of agricultural holdingsNuove soluzioni riguardanti le divisioni delle aziende agricoleArtykuł