Jedynak, Małgorzata2012-11-042012-11-042012Glottodidactica, Vol. 39/1 (2012), s. 57-67.83-232-1043-80072-4769 paper highlights the what, the why and the how questions which may be posed by the novice researcher in the field of visual impairment. I discuss the problematic issues inherent to various stages of research preparation and implementation such as selection of a research method, recruitment of subjects for a study, the lack of theories and models in the field of visual impairment, applicability and administration of standard tests in the SEN setting, keeping up participants’ commitment throughout a project, or sustainment of the researcher’s emotional involvement.enclassroom researchspecial educationvisually impaired learnersblind learnersProblems with L2 classroom research in the SEN setting with visually challenged learnersArtykuł