Lollok, Marek2018-04-042018-04-042018-03Bohemistyka, 2018, nr 1, s. 5-181642–9893 article deals with the issue of so-called formality and informality in language communication in Czech; the aim is to clarify this frequent but not unambiguous concept. We comment some basic aspects of this concept, e. g. the connection with the pragmatic aspects of communication as well as with language and extra-lingual standards and other stylistic dichotomies. Part of the text follows up the current trend of deflection from formality (as well as from standard Czech) in situations previously or so far fundamentally formal; in more detail we describe this trend in media communication.otherinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCzech languagestandard Czechnon-standard Czechin/formalityNěkolik poznámek k ne/formálnosti jazykové komunikace v češtiněSeveral comments on the non/formalities of language communication in CzechArtykuł