Malinowski Wiesław, Mateusz2012-08-242012-08-242001Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2001, vol. 28, pp. 163-176.83-232-1270-80137-2475 article discusses an extremely idealistic message of the 1886 novel L ’Ève future by Villiers de l’lsle-Adam. The motif of an artificial woman constructed by a genius scientist is a pretext for philosophical and metaphysical meditation on human fate, an attempt to reach - through art - the deepest mysteries of the spiritual world set against shallow visible reality. The subject matter and rhetorics of the work is an expressive illustration of symbolism in the field of French«L'Idéal sous les voiles de l’ électricité». A propos de «L'Ève future» de Villiers de l ’Isle-Adam«Ideal under cover of electricity». Apropos Villiers de l’Isle-Adam’s L’Ève futureArtykuł