Gapska, Dominika2020-03-232020-03-232019-11-30Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej vol. 10, 2019, pp. 145-1552082-9299 text discusses the problem of serbianisation of the cult of St. Parascheva of the Balkans not yet analyzed in the studies on the saint. The discussion is based on older and newer liturgical texts (lives, liturgical poetry), showing the various stages of the process of incorporating the image of Parascheva into the framework of the Serbian model of spiritualitypolinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessSt. ParaschevaSerbian female saintsSerbian hagiographySerbian hymnographySerbian literatureSerbian medieval literatureŚw. Paraskiewa-Petka z Epiwatu – kilka uwag o serbizacji kultuSt. Parascheva of the Balkans – a few remarks on serbianisation of the cultArtykuł