Maziarczyk, Anna2014-04-032014-04-032013-12-30Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2013, vol. 40, nr 4, pp. 33-40978-83-232-2635-20137-2475eISSN 2084-4158 though absurd humour and surreal scenes are at first sight the characteristic elements of Eric Chevillard’s style, it is an oversimplifi cation to consider his novels as mere literary jokes. The appeal of this literature stems from the light and witty manner in which it transforms outdated novelistic conventions, deconstructs classic narrative strategies and refuses to fulfi ll the reader’s expectations. This article seeks to analyse minimal narration, an unusual mode of writing for Chevillard, in Oreille rouge: just like narrative excess, typical of his other works, it results in dematerialisation of the plot and redefinition of the novelistic structure.frChevillardnarrationpostmodernismludicparodyminimalismLe roman sans événements : "Oreille rouge" d’Éric ChevillardThe novel without events: "Oreille rouge" by Éric ChevillardArtykuł