Nieć, Mateusz2013-03-142013-03-142000Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 62, 2000, z. 4, s. 167-1880035-9629 paper is devoted to an analysis of the public image o f a firm from the point of view of the science o f interpersonal communicating (press-specialization). The research work has been limited to an analysis of the quality of a communication via the mass-media which is of decisive impact on effectiveness of communicating. The Author is interested first of all by constructing process of commercial medial transmission such as promotional article. The research was done on the basis of monitoring of the two most popular Polish weekly papers, i.e. „Polityka” and „Wprost” - as leaders on the market of promotional articles. A method typical in press studies was used - i.e. a content analysis. The results obtained enable to formulate several theses two following of which are essential: in promotional articles distinct publicizing elements have occurred. Having often recourse to mixed forms (press advertising plus radio, for instance) even by big and rich firms (banks, international concerns in technology) is already certain tendency in development of public relations and advertising - a tendency to mutual lending and permeation of technical patterns of communicating. And now for second thesis: The Author does observe the appearance of two trends in promotion o f a reputation by the press. First trend is oriented towards a mass client and, as a rule, these are short radio announcements (promotional advertisements, sponsorship advertising, greetings advertisements). Second trend is directed with its advertisements entries to shareholders, financial and political institutions, managers and local V.I.P.-s. Here another rhetoric is used - longer commercial press declarations, also traditional promotional articles are frequent. Within the framework of promotional articles we can observe lending of patterns taken from publicizing companies but we can not state any convergence (likening) because of the fact that promotion of a reputation in the press does operate its own specific elements.plANALIZA PRASOZNAWCZA ARTYKUŁU PROMUJĄCEGOPRESS-SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS OF A PROMOTIONAL ARTICLEArtykuł