Szałek, Jerzy2012-01-092012-01-092010Szałek Jerzy, Estructura fraseológica del español moderno (síntesis fraseológicofraseográficas), Poznań 2010, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, Seria Filologia Romańska nr 38.978-83-232-2188-30554-8187 work is a result of extensive studies of the phraseology of modern Spanish. It constitutes a synthesis of both the phraseological theory of Spanish shaped at the turn of the 21st century as well as the author's own studies with reference to selected phraseological and phraseographic problems in Spanish and Hispano-Spanish linguistics. As the author is generally under the influence of structuralism, he suggests many a new solutions including a broader usage of lexicographic and phraseological methods - for example in respect of the evaluation of the stability and idiomaticity of a phraseological unit in synonymic series. The work embraces a broad spectrum of theoretical issues: definitions of basic notions and terms and definitions pertaining to Spanish phraseological units, synchronic ways of producing new units and their typologisations and phraseological codification in its various forms.esEstructura fraseológica del español moderno (síntesis fraseológico-fraseográficas)Książka