Woźniak, Zbigniew2013-06-032013-06-032006Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 68, 2006, z. 3, s. 79-92.0035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/6393In the practice of social life the understanding of politics is far from what actually shapes politics today - conceptual deficits, institutionalism or defining through an implication of the object of a political activity. Consequently it is becoming increasingly difficult to match social expectations with the actions of the decision makers. In the paper an attempt is made to order some notions connected with politics, starting with a presentation of the principles, norms and values that anchor the strategic political aims which are responsible for the quality of life of the members of social communities as well as broader groups, and for the development of the society as a whole. The approach that prevails in the social consciousness, according to which politics as a collection of procedures taken to facilitate the execution of power and/or influencing those who hold power is contrasted with politics understood as a concept relating to a broad range of organisations and different types of organisational activities, for which politics constitutes a structure within which everyday operations are carried out, and in which the future course of actions are drawn. This is the context in which the author discusses the correlations observed in the political actions today, which include the power, authority and influence, as well as the law, money and knowledge. The analysis of a linear, interactive model of politics is a key with which effective ways of gaining citizens' time, interest and energy, especially of the younger generation, can be achieved. Thus, such measures as political communication, partnership, or intrasectoral cooperation at the social, regional and global region, concepts not earlier known in democracy, are gaining in importance. It is hard to foresee today all the operational and strategic impact of e-democracy currently being shaped, although we may be sure of one: that the involvement o f ‘own citizens’ in a more active participation in the creation and execution of the law achieved through digital media is a great and unprecedental chance to realise certain ‘policies’ in all those area of collective existence in which such ‘influential centres’ are active. To those belong: public opinion, public debate, lobbying, interest groups, public consultations, social committees, expertises, etc.plKOMPONENTY DEFINICYJNE WSPÓŁCZESNEJ POLITYKIDEFINITION COMPONENTS OF CONTEMPORARY POLITICSArtykuł