Sagermann Bustinza, Leonor2014-07-162014-07-162014-03-29Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2014, vol. 41, nr 1 pp. 147-162978-83-232-2673-40137-2475eISSN 2084-4158 peculiar situation of violence experienced in Peru of the 1980s and the 1990s shows a society immersed in the trauma, suffering and pain. The literature as well as the film have become a means to reflect the painful experience of the society. The aim of this article is to analyse some of the main characters of the novels: 'La hora azul' (2005) by Alonso Cueto, 'Abril rojo' by Santiago Roncagliolo (2006), and the film: 'La teta asustada' (2009) by Patricia Llosa in order to show the effects of traumatic experiences of the past and an attempt to return to normal life.esviolencememorytraumaShining Path (Sendero Luminoso)Peruvian literaturecinemaLa memoria de la violencia: las consecuencias del conflicto armado contra Sendero Luminoso representadas en una película y dos novelas peruanasThe memory of violence: the consequences of a armed war against the Shining Path in a Peruvian film and two Peruvian novelsArtykuł