Strykowski, Wacław2013-05-062013-05-061992Neodidagmata, nr 21, 1992, pp. 15-21978-83-232-2332-00077-653X aim of the article is an attempt to present the theoretical and methodological characteristics of educational technology as a pedagogical discipline. The characteristics comprises: the subject of the technology, its functions and its research methods. The article also presents the didactic issues dealt with within the scope of the subject: elements of educational technology, specifying three basic groups of problems: 1) designing of the educational process; 2) preparation of didactic materials; 3) organization of didactic infrastructure.deMetodykaMethodicsWizualizacjaVisualisationTechnologiaTechnologyedukacjaeducationBildungstechnologie als pädagogische Wissenschaft und als LehrobjektEducational technology as a pedagogical discipline and as a subject for teachingArtykuł