Mider, Daniel2013-11-102013-11-102013Przegląd Politologiczny, 2013, nr 2, s. 23-34.1426-8876http://hdl.handle.net/10593/8244This paper concentrates on the analysis of methodological problems of studies conducted using the Internet, in particular on the issue of whether it is reasonable to apply classical re- search techniques. These considerations start with the reflection on the ontological parameters of the Internet: its physical, socio-psychological and information properties. Next, the paper analyzes four groups of research techniques: surveys of opinion, studies of behaviors, studies of cultural creations, and studies of the structure of the Internet. The subject of analyses in- volves the range and content of modifications required in order to apply individual research techniques in the Internet.plkultura politycznametodologia badańbadania ilościowebadania jakościowebadania w InternecieDylematy metodologiczne badań kultury politycznej w InternecieMethodological dilemmas in studies on political culture in the InternetArtykuł