Telicki, Marcin2014-02-282014-02-282013Przestrzenie Teorii, 2013, nr 19, s. 145-152978-83-232-2600-01644-6763 author of this article analyzes and interprets Piotr Sommer’s meta-textual poem Czym mógłby być [What could it be]. The basic critical formula of “aporetic modality” is a property of language (which is improved in the poem) that reveals the impossibility of formulating clear hypotheses about writing poetry. And so, Sommer’s poem turns out to be a specific deconstruction of a poem – by speaking the poet conveys a message about the impossibility of speaking. The assertion becomes a doubt, and the poem, understood as a structure, exposes its non-constructive, and thus, maybe, its truly lyrical faceplModalność aporetyczna. Wokół jednego wiersza Piotra SommeraAporetic modality. On Piotr Sommer’s poemArtykuł