Hejmej, Andrzej2013-12-292013-12-292005Przestrzenie Teorii, nr 5, 2005, s. 53-74978-83-232-2077-01644-6763http://hdl.handle.net/10593/9149The paper focuses on the interaction between the visual text and sound-text in the works of Miron Białoszewski, especially in his Separate Theatre. In this case, considerations on the subject of textuality show a relation between Białoszewskim linguistics experiments and contemporary sound poetry. In essence, the sound poetry as an artistic practice (particularly, the sound poetry of Bernard Heidsieck) appears to be an important and inspiring context for interpretation of Białoszewskim text. Finally, based on the problem of sound-text, many similarities are found between Miron Białoszewski and Bernard Heidsieck.plTekst (dźwiękowy) Mirona BiałoszewskiegoText (-sound) of Miron BiałoszewskiArtykuł