Ambrozik, Wiesław2017-12-152017-12-151982Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 44, 1982, z. 3, s. 319-3300035-9629 is widely known that every environment creates a quite distinct set-up of conditions of functioning of educational system and consequently, for the possibility of an optimum course of socializing processes of youth and children. Undoubtedly, culturally abandoned regions, still frequently met in a milieu of great cities, produce the least favorable structure of conditions in that respect. Accumulation of various socio-urban shortcomings as well numerous phenomena of sooiopathology can be easily observed there. And it certainly influences the level of functioning of the existing educational system. This situation is examined in the article. On the grounds of the characteristics of the culturally backward region of a big city and of the situation of a chid and a family, the author indicates at the malfunctioning of the analysed educational system. It is mostly reflected in the unsufficienit recognition of custodial and educational needs of a child and consequently, in limited and non-integrated tutelary, compensational, prophylactic and re-socializing activities undertaken towards the young and older generations. The author formulates some model suggestions in virtue of the ascertained shortcomings. They are designed to improve the educational system by means of stimulating respective chains of the structure and also by means of integrating and coordinating them.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPrzezwyciężanie dewiacji wychowawczych w kulturowo zaniedbanym rejonie wielkiego miastaSurmounting Educational Deviations in a Culturally Backward Region of a Big CityArtykuł