Andrzejewski, Bolesław2013-07-122013-07-122012Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna, Tom 1 (2012) Nr 2, s. 146-154.2299-1875 aim of the article is to give a brief overview of English empiricism, particularly in modern philosophy. The paper will firstly examine the pre-enlightenment thought of F. Bacon, upon which it will discuss the empiricism of J. Locke, G. Berkeley and D. Hume. The general conclusion of the paper has it that although empiricism has assumed different shades, it has always permeated English culture.plempiricismsensualisminductionnominalismOd Bacona do Hume’a – istota i odcienie empiryzmu w nowożytnej AngliiFrom Bacon to Hume – essence and aspects of empiricism in modern EnglandArtykuł