RASK, RASMUS KRISTIAN2012-03-232012-03-232005Glottodidactica, Vol. 30-31, 2005, s. 225-23583-232-1475-10072-4769http://hdl.handle.net/10593/2321The famous Danish philologist R.K. Rask, one of the founders of historical linguistics, has left in a manuscript of 1823 the outline of a minor treatise "Almindelig Skrivekunst" (i.e. "general art of writing/spelling"). It deals with issues of writing systems and develops, as well as discusses, suggestions for a rational Roman-script transliteration of "Oriental" alphabets. The following is an annotated translation by Otto Back (Vienna) of the Danish handwritten original, preceded by the translator's introductory remarks.deAllgemeine SchreibkunstALLGEMEINE SCHREIBKUNST. TEIL I. AUS DER NACHGELASSENEN HANDSCHRIFT „OPTEGNELSER TIL EN PASIGRAPHIE" (1823)Artykuł