Godecki, Zbigniew2017-01-022017-01-021985Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 47, 1985, z. 2, s. 93-1020035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/17085Some local organs of the State administration aside from the Peoples' Councils system (e.g. organs of marine administration and inland navigation) are vested with competence to enact generally binding regulations on a territory of cognizance of relevant Peoples' Councils. Consequently, art. 75 of The Act of System of Peoples' Councils and Territorial Self-Government of July 20, 1983 (Dz. U. nr 41, sec. 185) requires that enacting those provisions be consulted with the presidium of a competent Peoples' Council of a basal level. Primarily on account of a type of matters regulated by the — provisions instituted by the said organs (safety of navigation, sea fishery, using sea and river ports, professional skills of seafarers and fishermen etc.), any justification can hardly be found for art. 75 of the said Act. The odds are that consulting drafts of legal acts of these organs by presidis of Peoples' Councils would become a mere fiction to satisfy requirements of art. 75 of the Act. The same provision is not indispensable to secure a role of "master of the land" to Peoples' Councils although it has been thought that way. In all cases when Peoples' Councils can have a legitimate interest in contents of a regulation to be enacted by local organs not subordinated to them, the consulting procedure to be performed by defined organs of the Councils (presidia, commissions should be provided by provisions vesting the specific organs aside from the Peoples' Councils system with a competence to enact law.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessStanowienie prawa lokalnego poza radami narodowymiEnactiog local laws aside from People's CouncilsArtykuł