Bywalec, Czesław2017-12-112017-12-111982Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 44, 1982, z. 1, s. 165-1790035-9629 economic development of Denmark after World War II the following four periods (stages) may be distinguished: 1) pot-war revival — years 1945-1950, 2) period of stagnation — years 1951 - 1958, 3) period of revival and boom-years 1959 -1973, 4) recession after 1973. Volume and structure of unemployement have been varying. The correlation analysis, however, hals indicated that Denmark business outlook has only slightly determined the rate of unemiployment. There has not been found any correlation between the GNP growth rate and the unemployment rate lover than 6% it could be considered that one of the reasons of such considerable increase of unemployment has been decrease of the economy rate of growth. Business cycle has exerted significant influence on unemployment structure by sectors and divisions of economy as well as occupations, age of the unemployed and sex. Seasonality of unemployment has also been a subject to significant changes.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRozwój gospodarczy a bezrobocie w Danii po drugiej wojnie światowej (lata 1945-1976)Economic Development and Unemployment in Denmark After World War II (1945-1976)Artykuł