Bocquet, Catherine A2012-08-172012-08-172008Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2008, vol. 35, pp. 127-144978-83-232174-7-30137-2475 paper shows the manifold aspects of the non-translation phenomenon : besides shortened and summarized versions, which alter the source text in a quantitative way, non-translation can also have a qualitative effect, for instance when sociocultural references are erased. If non-translation is an infringement of the translator's duties, in some cases it can be a very fruitful solution. There is a lack of literature on the subject, and although it is often mentioned briefly, this phenomenon has never been tackled seriously.frNon-translation phenomenonTranslators«Ne pas traduire, c'est traduire encore». Et si la non-traduction était un procédé de traduction ?"Leaving words untranslated is another way of translating". What if non-translation was a translation procedure?Artykuł