Leszczyński, Leszek2013-03-152013-03-152000Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 62, 2000, z. 2, s. 1-140035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/5340The aim of the work is an attempt to draw up an optimalising model which - taking into consideration all systemic and legal changes of the last decade in Poland - should stress the most desired properties of having recourse to renvoy clauses in judicial practice - from the point of view of building up democratic and market systems. Such a model should additionally meet the requirement of lawful character of the State as formulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland.plOPTYMALIZACYJNY MODEL FUNKCJONOWANIA ODESŁAŃ POZAPRAWNYCH W PRAKTYCE SĄDOWEJOPTIMALIZING MODEL OF FUNCTIONING OF EXTRA-LEGAL RENVOYS IN JUDICIAL PRACTICEArtykuł