Surdyk, Augustyn2013-01-172013-01-172012Surdyk, A., 2012. „Podstawy inżynierii bezpieczeństwa w kształceniu zawodowym nauczycieli języków obcych”, w: Wąsikiewicz-Firlej, E., Szczepaniak-Kozak, A., Lankiewicz, H., Interkulturowość, kreatywność, refleksyjność w dydaktyce języków obcych, Piła: PWSZ im. S. Staszica, 175-192.978-83-62617-09-8 paper is meant to acquaint the reader with the common dangers stemming from daily use of the internet, especially one of its services - email - which remains the most popular form of communication online in the professional life of teachers of foreign languages, and with the means of preventing these dangers through education in departments training future teachers, using the example of applied linguistics studies. The article covers, on the basis of real examples, the issues of spamming, scamming, phishing, pharming, hacking (on the level of personal security), up to the phenomenon most dangerous to big companies and threatening global security - the phenomenon of social engineering. Moreover, issues related to malware - malicious software and related dangers are covered as well. In the chapter's conclusion the importance of civic awareness of the individual will be emphasised related to the existence of the discussed threats and the knowledge of preventing them through reliable and professional education during, among other things, classes in IT.plinżynieria bezpieczeństwainżynieria społecznakształcenie nauczycieli języków obcychPodstawy inżynierii bezpieczeństwa w kształceniu zawodowym nauczycieli języków obcychArtykuł