Masiota, Jacek2013-03-152013-03-152000Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 62, 2000, z. 2, s. 65-780035-9629 of speech is considered as one of fundamental values protected in a democratic lawful State. However, there is a need to stress the fact that a conflict between goods subjected to a protection - is already characteristic feature of contemporary world. The principle of economic freedom, and consequently - freedom of advertising, does compete here against the freedom of speech, the right to a privacy, the ban on unfair competition and the ban on advertising some chosen products. The Author of the article criticises some of normative solutions adopted in Polish legislation on the freedom o f advertising. He indicates for instance that thanks to having admitted intermediate advertising in case of promotion of alcohol - in fact a circumvention of the inhibition to advertise such products is permitted. He stresses also that Polish legislation lacks some clear definition of the position that is occupied by the Internet among other advertising media. The Author mentions finally that Polish streets are overloaded with advertisement of mere esthetic quality.plWOLNA REKLAMA I JEJ NORMATYWNE OGRANICZENIAFREE ADVERTISING AND ITS NORMATIVE LIMITATIONSArtykuł