Dietl, Jerzy2017-07-112017-07-111968Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 30, 1968, z. 1, s. 233-2430035-9629 widening contact of rural population of industrializing districts with the main town creates conditions for concentrating services and trade within an area. It constitutes one of the factors for transforming the rural settlement network in industrializing regions. They can be distinguished as: areas directly influence by the combination of enterprises, areas less influenced and those which are indirectly influenced. The results of a census taken among consumers in the industrializing micro-region of Konin, market statistics and the results of an analysis of commercial enterprises' activities suggest the. postulate of a three degree concentration of a retail trade area. The first degree embraces the large general stores, the second local trade in economic centers. I propose the creation of a large trade concentration facilitating the servicing of a fairly large area and effective competition with the main town of the region. The greatest concentration of trade should take place in the chief town in the area. In the majority of industrializing districts the significance of the maim towns as centers of social-economic concentration will increase and consitiute a factor counteracting the forming of rural trade and service centers. The development of small towns is limited and to a certain extent the creation of new centers of economy would be purposeless.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKoncentracja przestrzenna zaopatrzenia ludności wiejskiej w okręgach uprzemysławianychSpecial Concentration of Rural Population Supplies within Instustrial DistrictsArtykuł