Piasny, Janusz2017-12-232017-12-231978Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 40, 1978, z. 4, s. 161-1770035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/20929The paper can be divided somewhat into two parts. In the first one the origin and development of social policy in Poland have been presented. Particular stress has been put on changes in that policy after the second world war. Then the personal and subject scopes have been described as well as basic forms and subjects of realization of the social policy in the People's Poland. In the second part of the article specific results of the social policy have been presented with particular regard to effects of social services developed in the favour of population. The progress has been underlined in forms and means of ensuring equal start to all the people, securing material conditions of life and relief to older people and to people incapable of working. The influence of social policy on development of still higher population's aspirations and needs and on improvement in the quality of life has been also presented. In that part the hitherto achieved results of the social policy towards peasants running individual farms have been presented as well. The article ends in showing basic intentions of the social policy, which will have been realized till 1980.polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPolityka społeczna i jej wpływ na warunki życiowe ludności w Polsce Ludowej .Social Policy and Its Influence on Living Conditions in PolandArtykuł