Chrzanowska, Iwona2014-09-222014-09-222013Studia Edukacyjne, nr 28, 2013, s. 85-91978-83-232-2731-11233-6688 on the Bend of Political Changes. Without Censorship, Bogusław Śliwerski’s most recent book triggered refl ection about the status of the Polish school. There are a few questions which need to be answered, for example: Is the school an important subject of discussion? Who and why wants to talk about the Polish school? This text does not provide answers to these questions but is supposed to induce refl ection.plschoolirregularitiesresearchnew areas of researchO potrzebie refl eksji nad kondycją polskiej szkoły – w efekcie lektury publikacji Bogusława Śliwerskiego: „Szkoła na wirażu zmian politycznych. Bez cenzury”Condition of the Polish School Based on the Publication of Bogusław Śliwerski: School on the Bend of Political Changes. Without CensorshipArtykuł