Minkiewicz, Karolina2013-03-062013-03-062006Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny, 2006, tom 17, s. 203-220.0867-2059http://hdl.handle.net/10593/4974In the society of today, the traditional lines which distinguish masculinity from femininity have been blurred. Modern men are becoming more interested in issues traditionally regarded as feminine such as fashion, health and beauty. Metrosexuality, one of the new definitions of masculinity, seems to be more and more popular. It appeals to young, ambitious men who care about good grooming and the way other people see them. This article is a summary of a study which examines men's attitudes towards women, life goals, and gender roles. It has been found that men in Poznań and in London do not approve of the image of man as an insensitive macho.plMetroseksualność jako współczesny model męskościMetrosexuality as a modern model of masculinityArtykuł