Balbuza, Katarzyna2014-10-062014-10-062014-06Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 9/2014, s. 265-267978-83-7654-166-22082-5951 cesarzy rzymskich w mennictwie II i III wieku n.e. Erika Manders, Coining Images of Power. Patterns in the Representation of Roman Emperors on Imperial Coinage A.D. 193–284, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden–Boston–Tokyo 2012. [=Impact of Empire, 15], 363 s.Self-Presentation of Roman Emperors on the Coinage of the 2 nd and the 3 rd Century AD. Erika Manders, Coining Images of Power. Patterns in the Representation of Roman Emperors on Imperial Coinage A.D. 193–284, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden–Boston–Tokyo 2012 [=Impact of Empire, 15], 363 pp.Recenzja