Rosicki, Remigiusz2010-12-202010-12-202007R.Rosicki, Europejska polityka energetyczna - między solidaryzmem a egoizmem, w: Z. Czachór, 50 lat i co dalej? Europa i Unia Europejska między integracją a atomizacją..., INPiD UAM, Poznań 2007, s. 288 - 308.978-83-60677-23-0 article focuses on the European energy politics (incl. EU politics), particularly on the question of energy solidarity which is opposed to egoistic political actions. The energy solidarity which is a subsequent factor, which can reinforce the energy security, i.e., most of all, the decrease in energy dependence, decrease in inner demand for energy, diversification of energy resources, as well as counteracting energy ,,mono culture". The article presents the main trends in EU energy policy, i.e.: competitiveness, diversity in energy forms, solidarity, security of energy and raw material supply, stable development, innovations and new technologies, common foreign policy, market reform, renewable energy, energy productivity, energy security, crisis counteracting. The article also refers to the ambiguity of the concepts of energy solidarity and energy security. In order to identify these notions and the very EU energy policy, the analysis of key documents regarding energy policy has been presented (the basis are the so called “energy green papers”), as well as the analysis of countries' actions, which in common perception are referred to as ,,political”. The article determines major problems concerning EU energy policy, which, among others, relate to: the multitude of businesses of EU members, bilateralness of relations between some of the member countries and raw material suppliers (eg. Russia), lack of uniform foreign policy (which also influences the formation of EU energy security), treatment of energy security from the national perspective, different structures of energy markets in the EU Member States, occurrence on the energy market of the private subjects realizing their own policy, technological differences in power infrastructure of the EU Member States.plpolityka energetycznaenergy policysytuacja energetyczna EuropyEurope's energy situationUnia EuropejskaEuropean Unionpolityka energetyczna Unii Europejskiejenergy policy of European Unionsolidarność energetycznaenergy solidaritybezpieczeństwo energetyczneenergy securityEuropejska polityka energetyczna - między solidaryzmem a egoizmemEuropean energy policy - between solidarity and egoismRozdział z książki