Karolina, Gortych-Michalak2021-04-062021-04-062013Gortych-Michalak, K. M. (2013). Grecka terminologia łowiecka w świetle tekstów prawnych. Investigationes Linguisticae, 2013 (28), 5–15.1426-188Xhttps://hdl.handle.net/10593/26211The paper presents Greek hunting terminology which exists in standard Modern Greek Language and in normative acts concerning hunting in Greece and in Republic of Cyprus. Both so called hunting language and legal language are languages for special purposes (LSP) and they contain special terminology. It is the most significant criterion to distinguish special language form general language. There is almost an obstacle to unify hunting language and legal hunting language as the discussed legal texts might determine different meaning of the terms when comparing with non-legal hunting language. There is also another obstacle laying in giving different name to the same object by the legislator and by the users of non-legal hunting language. The aim of the paper is to present these differences in the selected example coming from special hunting texts and legal texts (normative acts).polinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessHuntingGreek Legal LanguageGreek Plain LanguageLanguage for Special/Specific Purposes (LSP)Modern Greek LSPGrecka terminologia łowiecka w świetle tekstów prawnychGreek hunting terminology in the aspect of legal textsArtykuł