Barabach, JanSzczuciński, WitoldKicińska, DittaPalińska, ZuzannaRachlewicz, Grzegorz2024-01-172024-01-172023-12Barabach, J., Szczuciński, W., Kicińska, D., Palińska, Z., Rachlewicz, G., 2023: Jaskinia Lodowa w Ciemniaku (Ice Cave in Ciemniak), Western Tatra, Poland - over a century-long investigations of climate warming-caused degradation of subterranean ice mass. Geographia Polonica 96 (4), 405-430. DOI: 10.7163/GPol.0262. Lodowa w Ciemniaku (Ice Cave in Ciemniak), in the Tatra Mountains (Tatry), is believed to host the largest subterranean ice mass in Poland. It has been known for over a century, however, the onset of its scientific investigations dates back to 1922, when Tadeusz and Stefan Zwoliński mapped it. Since then, it has become one of the best-known caves in Poland. It was described in over a hundred scientific and popular science papers. They include findings of international importance, e.g. works related to radioisotopes ,ice-mass balance and age. However, some of the questions asked a century ago are still partly unanswered. One may wonder if they will be delivered before climate warming causes the largest ‘cave glacier’ in Poland to disappear.enAttribution 4.0 InternationalSpeleologySpeleologiacryospherekriosferacavejaskiniaice cavejaskinia lodowaWestern TatrasTatry ZachodnieTatra MountainsTatryhistory of cave researchhistoria badań jaskińclimate changezmiana klimatuice mass balanceblians masy loducave climateklimat jaskiniJaskinia Lodowa w CiemniakuIce Cave in Ciemniakcave icelód jaskiniowyLate Holocenepóźny holocencave exploration historyhistoria eksploracji jaskińcave ice genesispowstawanie lodu jaskiniowegocave ice climate recordzapis paleoklimatu w lodzie jaskiniowymenvironmental change recordzapis zmian środowiskowychclimate warming impactskutki zmiany klimatuJaskinia Lodowa w Ciemniaku (Ice Cave in Ciemniak), Western Tatra, Poland - over a century-long investigations of climate warming-caused degradation of subterranean ice massinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article