Delovski, Vlatko2012-11-092012-11-092012Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2012, nr 2, s.95–117978-83-232-2409-92084-3011 is a musical community, and I say community and not group, because the word group is associated with the crowd. This is my attempt to try to explain the process of reading the important characteristics of purposeful meaning in the poetry of Branko Nikolov (Foltin). This kind of reading is qualitatively different from ordinary reading. Namely, we will dare to read from an ethnographic point of view, which means investigating, i.e. analyzing with active participation. From the end of the 1990s until today, I have attended all significant “Foltin” events, which for me is something private, and therefore something that engages me is our common Vezilka, their poetry. Hence, reading is a job for our Vezilka – Lenka or as they prefer to say, the song 120, while simple reading is a matter of my ignorance. From the surface level of their explicit manifestation (Music and Poetry), everything leads to a tangled, implicit poetic level. That is the process that we technically name reading, and reading looks like the one term that can be clearly marked as decoding from surface to deep structures.otherpoeticssemioticsstructuralismClaude Lévi-StraussVezilkaLenkaFoltinFoltin and Claude “levi-skroz” [Poetry readings of the music of “Foltin”]Artykuł