Czapik-Lityńska, Barbara2014-09-232014-09-232014Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2014, nr 6, s.49-62978-83-63795-51-12084-3011 the article, the literary texts of the Croatian authoress are considered, since they present a critical comportment that is to remain in opposition to the crisis of the contemporary culture. The article makes an attempt to describe a specifi city of the writer’s literary contestations, derived from a stance of the avant-garde and modern rebellion, adopted among others by Miroslav Krleža, and from an intellectual revolt, expressed by the postmodern aesthetics and philosophy. The growing on both contestation traditions determines a manner of thinking, perceptiveness of interpretation regarding the depicted world and life. The literary contestations of Ugrešić focus on problems of the postmodern aesthetics, ethics, sociopolitical and cultural transformations.plDubravka Ugrešićliterary contestationMiroslav Krležaintellectual revoltpostmodern aestheticsUwagi na marginesie lektury literackich kontestacji Dubravki UgrešićParenthetical Remarks on Literary Contestations by Dubravka UgrešićArtykuł