Heleniak, Paweł2013-07-172013-07-171999Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 61, 1999, z. 3-4, s. 81-101.0035-9629http://hdl.handle.net/10593/6896International weapons trade is a domain which causes much troubles with every temptation to regulate this activity on international scale. It is clearly visible on the occasion of preparatory works on creating „New Forum” organisation. Hitherto existing regulations on the matter occurred to be insufficient in this respect. Single interdictions laid on the export of weapons issued by the Security Council of the United Nations seem to be rather dictated by some urgent necessity of a given moment than by serious intention or will to get a control over trading of weapons all over the world. No rules nor premises are up to the present elaborated for the puipose of sanctioning such a trading. In the light of recent events in Kosovo we can clearly see that the embargo laid on delivery of weapons was considered exclusively as an element of politics and not as a mean possible preventing the armed conflict. Nevertheless there is a consensus of the Security Council members (especially - of the permanent) on the existing o f a possibility to introduce interdictions of export o f weapons on large international scale. This consensus should become a starting point for to undertake efforts in order to create global system o f supervising and, eventually, of regulating the weapons traffic in the world.plAKTUALNE PROBLEMY MIĘDZYNARODOWEGO HANDLU BRONIĄ W ŚWIETLE PRAWA MIĘDZYNARODOWEGO I PRAWA WEWNĘTRZNEGO RPPRESENT PROBLEMS OF INTERNATIONAL WEAPONS TRADE IN THE LIGHT OF INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC LAW AND OF POLISH NATIONAL LAWArtykuł