Antoniewicz, Marian2013-11-072013-11-072009Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, T. 23, 2009, s. 103-1130209-3472 aim of this article is to show the Christological - Sacramental bases of the «mysticism» of Eucharist in encyclical Deus caritas est by Benedict XVI. Three connected with oneself questions were undertaken within our considerations closely. The analyses of the foundation of Eucharistic «mysticism» were executed of in first place what there is the secret of God’s Son incarnation. Reports setting between Last Supper, death and Resurrection the Christ and Eucharist were considered then. The essence of the eucharistic «mysticism» which consists in the man timehononoured unification with God and the influence of Eucharist on being shaping the Communion Ecclesiological was introduced on the last stage.plBenedict XVIEucharistmysticismChrystologiczno-sakramentalne podstawy «mistyki» Eucharystii w Deus caritas est Benedykta XVIChristological-Sacramental Grounds of the „Mysticism" of the Eucharist in Benedict XVI's Deus caritas estArtykuł